Goals & Bucket Lists

I accomplished something this year that has been on a to-do list for years.

I wrote a book.

While I had been plotting the book in my head for years, inspiration struck in January and BOOM I had the outline and intro. I set it aside for a few months and delved back in after the Spring semester concluded. By mid-summer, I had the making of a manuscript and asked a few of my personal champions to read it; knowing full well they would tell me the good, the bad and the ugly.

I went through the remaining process to self-publish and on December 8, pressed “Publish” in the KDP software.

As it is a book on discovering goals and professional bucket list items throughout your career, it is only appropriate I call attention to the idea now, at the conclusion of a full year and as we embark on a new one. What are your goals? When was the last time you reviewed your bucket list? Maybe it needs updating or maybe it needs dusting off. Either way, I encourage you to take some time for yourself and do so. Your future self will thank you!

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Auld Lang Syne.


Stay tuned for more from TCS next month!

Sarah Heximer, Owner & Chief Visionary Officer

True Colors Strategy