Living with Intention
March is always a time of reflection for me as so many milestones have been reached professionally during that month. Some great, some life lessons that I can now appreciate.
It is because of those lessons learned that True Colors Strategy came into existence. As I drink my morning coffee, after having the ability to run to a pilates session to get my week started, I’m reminded of how important it is to live and work with intention. It is a true game changer for motivation and achieving what you set out to do. It is because of that intention, I have built a business that is all my own, that affords me the time flexibility to support my family and my many business endeavors, not least of which is teaching at a University and brand representation of an amazing community of women! Clients have become friends and friends have become clients. I am able to get my daughter to lessons and events without thinking twice. Family vacations can happen when convenient for our schedules and not on others terms.
With all that has happened in the past few years, if you have not had space to find your passion and intention so that you can achieve what you set out to do, let’s talk. It is too important to ignore.
Whether it is how you talk about your current business or finding a different one, needing additional support or resources to bring a big idea to life…let’s let your #truecolors shine.
Stay tuned for more from TCS next month!
Sarah Heximer, Owner & Chief Visionary Officer